I remember doing, scratch that, attempting a backflip off of the trapeze, wincing and telling everyone that I was fine. Jumping off of the extremely high, high dive and racking myself in the process. Of course there were stories, I never knew if they were true, about drownings and carnal acts occurring under the decks. My father told me the story of snorkeling through the murky waters until he discovered a submarine turd, which brings me to today. . .
The parasite crypto. . .
How is Cryptosporidiosis spread?
The cryptosporidiosis parasite lives in the intestine of infected humans or animals. Millions of cryptosporidiosis parasites might be released in a bowel movement from an infected human or animal. You can become infected after accidentally swallowing the parasite. cryptosporidiosis may be found in soil, food, water, or surfaces that have been contaminated with the feces from infected humans or animals. cryptosporidiosis can be easily spread and is very contagious
Maybe Dad really did see a corn fish.

Maybe they can clean it up, I had actually been planning on making a special effort to get my kids there before the summer ended, but they may never open again. I hope they do re-open, of course I play in toilets for a living so I am probably not the best person to pole on the matter.
P.S. Do you remember the pool operators telling you and all the other kids about how if you peed in the pool a red cloud would form around you? I think that was just a myth, but I never tested my theory.
I remember going to Burger Lake too, but I was probably 4 or 5. I remember climbing to the very top of the HUGE slide and then getting scared and climbing back down... beside all the people who were climbing up. That's my only regret in life - that I was too scared to slide down the slide. Now I'll never get to do it.
Burger's lake scheduled to open tomorrow, if water passes tests.
what's this crap? You put a link to this blog on your other blog, but you don't have a new post.
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